Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Classroom Assignment 9/15/09

Hello again,

Now that you have completed the Medical Math and Client status sections of Healthcare 21, let's see how much you have retained. Clear your desk and answer the questions below. Don't get nervous this is only a teacher guided review. Once you have completed the exercise turn your papers in .

Medical Math

Temperature Conversions with Decimals:

(You should Memorize these setups) Show all work.

To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit: C (x) 1.8 (+) 32 = F
Celsius Temp multiplied by 1.8 plus 32 equals fahrenheit

To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius: 1. F (-)32/ 1.8 = C
Fahrenheit Temp minus 32 divided by 1.8 equals celsius

1. 34 degrees C = ___________F

2. 46.6 degrees F =__________C

3. 107 degrees C = __________ F

4. 101.5 degrees F = _________C

5. 42 degrees C = ___________F

6. 40 degrees F = ___________C

7. 100.4 degrees F= _________C

8. 69 degrees C = ___________F

9. 12 degrees C = ___________F

10. 105.8 degrees F = ________C

Medical Terminology

Use the Taber's ( green dictionaries ) and define the following medical terms.

1. Adhesion (ad - HE- shun)

2. Atexia ( ah - TACK- see-ah )

3. Atonic ( ah- TON- ick)

4. Atrophy (AT - roh-fee)

5. Cardioplegia ( kar - dee - oh - PlEE- jee- ah)

6. Contracture ( kon - TRACK - shur)

7. Dystaxia ( dis - TACK - see - ah )

8. Electroneuronyography (ee - leck - troh - my - OG - rah - fee)

9. Fasciectomy ( fas - ee -ECK - toh - me)

10. Hemiparesis ( hem - ee- Par-ee - sis )

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